The Wave and the Pearl
Paul-Jacques-Aimé Baudry
Two Nude Female Figures with a Cloth
Alexander Archipenko
Perseus and Andromeda
André Bauchant
Sleeping Ariadne
Giorgio de Chirico
Massimo Campigli
Eve and the Serpent
Henri Rousseau
Figure of a Woman
André Favory
Wounded Amazon
Franz Stuck
Expulsion from Paradise
Franz Stuck
The Struggle for Woman
Franz Stuck
Kiss of a Sphinx
Franz Stuck
The Kiss of the Sphinx
Franz Stuck
Susanna and the Elders
Franz Stuck
Faun and Mermaid
Franz Stuck
In vino veritas
Franz Stuck
Nude. Black and Gold
Henri Matisse
Nude Study
Henri Decaisne
Nymph and Satyr
Henri Matisse
Seated Woman
Henri Matisse
Seated Woman
Pablo Picasso
Woman with a Fan
Pablo Picasso
Mythological Motif
Ker-Xavier Roussel
Woman with a Black Hat
Félix Vallotton
The White and the Black
Félix Vallotton